Laboratory for Advanced Research into Telecommunication Systems
Laboratory for Advanced Research into Telecommunication Systems
Università degli Studi Mediterranea
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ARTS Research

Project Details: AUTOMA (AUTOmobile Logistic MAnagement)

Project: AUTOMA (AUTOmobile Logistic MAnagement)
Main Coordinator: Rosario Curia, Exeura
Laboratory Unit Coordinator: Antonella Molinaro
Support: P.O.R 2000-2006 (Misure 3.16 e 3.7; D.M. 593/2000, Art. 13) - Italian Ministry of Research - Italian Ministry of Economy, Calabria Regional Government
Main Research Objectives: This is an industrial research project focusing on the management, analysis and optimization of flows characterizing Automobile distribution within the distribution hubs and across the whole Logistic chain. Specifically, the research interest is on automobile tracking and localization through the adoption of RFID technologies and on the related automatic data acquisition and transfer methodologies to the aim of:
(i) analyzing novel anti-collision protocol for RFID tag;
(ii) designing mobile gateway with local short-range interfaces (Wi-Fi and/or Bluetooth) towards RFID readers and long-range interface (GPRS, WiMax, UMTS) towards the main servers;
(iii) handling multihop access techniques for hostile areas where direct visibility between transmitter and receiver is lacking;
(iv) designing gateway discovery techniques to discover optimal access point to desired logistic services.
Involved People: Giuseppe Araniti; Antonella Molinaro; Sergio Polito; Salvatore Pulitanò; Giuseppe Ruggeri.
Partners: DEIS - Università della Calabria, BLG Automobile Logistics Italia S.r.l., Orangee S.r.l., EXEURA, HDE Holbe Dialoque Europe S.p.A., 3i s.n.c., ICAR-CNR
Starting date: 2006-01-01
Duration (months): 42
Involved Research Areas: ING-INF/03.

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