Laboratory for Advanced Research into Telecommunication Systems
Laboratory for Advanced Research into Telecommunication Systems
Università degli Studi Mediterranea
Bigger Smaller Reset
ARTS Research

Project Details: Satellite-Assisted LocalIzation and Communication systems for Emergency services (SALICE)

Project: Satellite-Assisted LocalIzation and Communication systems for Emergency services (SALICE)
Main Coordinator: Antonio Iera
Laboratory Unit Coordinator: Antonio Iera
Support: Italian Ministry of University, PRIN 2007 grant
Main Research Objectives: The SALICE project aims at identifying the solutions which can be adopted in an integrated reconfigurable NAV/COM device and studying its feasibility in realistic
scenarios. This project aims at contributing to the main on-going research activities which are performed both in the national and in the international scientific and
industrial comunities; therefore, also the terminology which is adopted in this document is derived from the reference recommendations issued by the ETSI. The first
goal of the SALICE project is the definition of the baseline scenarios and of the system architecture which will allow the design of new and effective solutions for what
concerns integrated communications and localization techniques, Software Defined Radio (SDR) and Cognitive Radio (CR) NAV/COM devices, satellite and HAPS
integration in the rescue services, heterogeneous solutions in the area of intervention (IAN, Incident Area Network). Particular attention will be devoted to the
optimization of the resources management strategies and to the cognitive approaches.
In this context a specific important topic is the "Cooperative Localization" of rescue entities (persons and means) that intervene in emergency situations, where timely
and precise localization of the rescuers is essential for the coordination and planning of search, rescue and disaster relief operations, in terms of efficacy and safety
for both rescuers and injured people. This focus is motivated by the consideration that the indoor/outdoor location and tracking capability, integrated with the
required communications infrastructure, has been recognized to be the single most important technological development enhancing emergency response operations.
Cooperative localization, i.e., the localization of the different actors of the rescue intervention, considered as "nodes" of a wireless communications network, which is
the most promising approach available nowadays, even when GNSS services are only partially available will be thoroughly studied.
Involved People: Giuseppe Araniti; Antonio Iera.
Partners: Università di Firenze, Università di Torvergata, Università di Trento, Politecnico di Torino
Starting date: 2008-09-22
Duration (months): 24
Involved Research Areas: ING-INF/03.

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