Laboratory for Advanced Research into Telecommunication Systems
Laboratory for Advanced Research into Telecommunication Systems
Università degli Studi Mediterranea
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ARTS Research

Project Details: FINGERIMBALL- Anti-counterfeiting technologies and materials, and nanotechnology applications for authentication and protection of agri-food excellence

Project: FINGERIMBALL- Anti-counterfeiting technologies and materials, and nanotechnology applications for authentication and protection of agri-food excellence
Main Coordinator: Maria Teresa Russo, UniRC
Laboratory Unit Coordinator: Antonio Iera
Support: Italian Ministry of Research MIUR - grant "P.O.N. Ricerca e Competitività 2007-2013"
Main Research Objectives: Tasks of the research unit at the ARTS Laboratory is to contribute to the research activities relevant to the design and develpment of
the traceability platform based on the EPCGlobal Standard and integrating RFID Systems and Sensor Networks
Involved People: Giuseppe Araniti; Antonio Iera; Antonella Molinaro; Giuseppe Ruggeri; Serena Sammarco; Silverio Carlo Spinella.
Partners: ALEKSO CONSULTING S.p.A., ICMB-CNR, API REGGINA, Dolciaria Monardo, EUROIDEE Srl, NATUREMED srl, PLANE S.R.L, Università degli Studi di Messina, Univesità degli Studi di Salerno
Starting date: 2011-10-01
Duration (months): 36
Involved Research Areas: ING-INF/03; MAT/06.

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