Laboratory for Advanced Research into Telecommunication Systems
Laboratory for Advanced Research into Telecommunication Systems
Università degli Studi Mediterranea
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ARTS Research

Project Details: Situation and location aware design solutions over heterogeneous wireless networks (ICONA)

Project: Situation and location aware design solutions over heterogeneous wireless networks (ICONA)
Main Coordinator: Prof. Marina Ruggieri, Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Laboratory Unit Coordinator: Antonella Molinaro
Support: Italian Ministry of Research - Project of National Relevance (PRIN)
Main Research Objectives: Main objective of the research is the design of solution for the most effective exploitation of position/context information relevant to users and terminals in heterogeneous networks to the aim of improving integration effectiveness of access segments with a keen interest on:

(i) protocols and techniques for vertical/horizontal handover optimization, automatic and dynamic access network selection, and resource allocation;
(ii) definition of a distributed (middleware) architecture able to gather, distribute, and jointly exploit both measures deriving from different positioning systems and information relevant to user and network current contexts;
(iii) design of Gateways for the "intelligent" access to heterogeneous wireless platforms and definition of gateway selection policies and routing algorithms both in "single hop" and "multi hop" access networks.
Involved People: Giuseppe Araniti; Antonio Iera; Antonella Molinaro; Sergio Polito; Giuseppe Ruggeri.
Partners: Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Politecnico di Torino, Università di Trento, Università di Firenze
Starting date: 2005-12-01
Duration (months): 24
Involved Research Areas: ING-INF/03.

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