Laboratory for Advanced Research into Telecommunication Systems
Laboratory for Advanced Research into Telecommunication Systems
Università degli Studi Mediterranea
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ARTS Research

Project Details: “PILOT – Interoperability Platform for Logistics and Transportation Systems”

Project: “PILOT – Interoperability Platform for Logistics and Transportation Systems”
Main Coordinator: Ugo Galluccio, Etnoteam
Laboratory Unit Coordinator: Antonio Iera
Support: Italian Ministry of Research - FAR (Support Grant for Research )
Main Research Objectives: General objective of PILOT project is to make more efficient and tightly integrated the logistic and transportation chain by enabling network connections and interoperability among involved actors (transportation users, logistic operators, and intermodal operators, public administrations, banks, etc. Specific research activity of interest for ARTS people concerns: vehicle tracking and positioning systems exploiting enhanced techniques based on data fusion solutions (data from satellite platforms (GPS/Galileo) and data from odometers and other terrestrial sensors; Real time Localization Systems (RTLS); Hybrid positioning.
Involved People: Antonio Iera; Antonella Molinaro.
Partners: Etnoteam S.p.A, DEIS - Università della Calabria
Starting date: 2004-09-01
Duration (months): 36
Involved Research Areas: ING-INF/03.

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